Water Research & Development Consultancy Limited

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Distilled Water?
    Distilled water is any water that has been boiled into steam and then condensed back into water
    (usually via a water distiller) which creates pure water. This water is
    free from impurities and inorganic material that can be added during the ‘cleaning’ process
    undertaken at water treatment plants.
  • How does Distillation Work?
    The process of processing any source of water into distilled water is simple, straight-forward and
    effective. The source water is heated until boiling and turns into steam then cooled into distilled
    water. Boiling the source water removes any bacteria, contaminants and inorganic material
    bringing the inorganic matter down on average to 1 parts per million (PPM).
  • Why use Distilled Water?
    As your body cannot process the inorganic material found in water before being distilled they are
    processed by various organs around the body and stored. By drinking distilled water it will attract
    the inorganic material/minerals from the body and remove them from your system over time.
  • What are the Advantages?
    Using distilled water to detox your body by removing the inorganic material will have many long
    term health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of cancer, removes
    toxins from the body, aides weight loss, increases your stamina and energy, improves skin
    complexion, improves hair texture and quality.
  • What are the disadvantages?
    Some people do find the taste of distilled water ‘flat’ and less flavourful, but this is due to the
    inorganic material being removed from it during distillation. Stick with it and after a short time
    your taste buds will adjust!



***If you have any questions please contact us***