Cancer Protocol

- Distilled Water (up to 8 pints per day)
- Probiotics (30 Billion Cfu’s/8 Strains) – 1 per day (or Sauerkraut)
- Turmeric – 10 Capsules per day
- Ginkgo Biloba – 10 Capsules per day
- Kelp – 10 Capsules per day
- Hemp Seeds (as often as convenient)
- Crushed raw garlic** (1 – 2 cloves with water)
- Lemon water (throughout the day – 1 lemon per glass)
- Bicarbonate of soda (1 tsp per half glass of warm water, twice per day)
- Organic coffee enema (as required, but at least once per week)
- Raw, organic vegetables and juices (as often as possible)
- Zinc citrate*
- Magnesium malate*
- Yoga, meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) – (30 mins per day)
- Zhan zhuang (t’ai chi) – internal energy exercises (10 – 20 mins per day)
- No toxins (cell phone radiation, food additives, plastics (bpa), cosmetics, household cleaners, etc.)
- Small glass of distilled warm water with tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda and tea spoon of honey(honey tricks the cancer cells to think it is sugar and bi carb destroys cancer on impact as oxygen does)
* Mineral Tablets
** Finely chop, then pulverise into paste. Leave for 15 mins, then drink half of a glass of water. Eat the Garlic paste, then drink the rest of the water.